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A Husky mix lays in the grass looking at the camera.
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Sponsor A


Every dog’s journey at Starfleet Service Dogs, Inc. (SSDI) is unique. With the support of our volunteers, fosters, trainers, and donors; animals' lives are saved and improved every day. Our diverse staff and advisory board are made up of canine and human researchers, veterinarians, teachers, canine and equine industry professionals, and service dog users. This well-rounded team allows us to create the individualized plans that transform our dogs from rescue dogs to highly qualified service dogs. 

Our dogs and clients both come to us for life-changing assistance and we are proud to be the only nationwide rescue-based service dog nonprofit dedicated to providing service dogs for a wide range of physical, medical, and mental disabilities. We work alongside local animal services centers to rescue dogs unsuitable for general adoption due to their desire to work, we evaluate surrender cases, and we directly rescue others in need. We are able to fully customize the skill set of each of our dogs based on the needs of our recipients because SSDI is equipped with a diverse range of expertise.

Preparing and training our service dog teams is very resource-intensive. Each dog we save has veterinary medical insurance coverage; comprehensive medical wellness plans; individualized training, rehabilitation, care plans; and more. Our work is made possible by our generous volunteers and donors. We currently receive no government funding and our board receives no compensation. 














Sponsoring a service dog in training allows you to see the direct impact of your donation dollars to your sponsored dog and one of our clients and is tax-deductible. All of our sponsors get to help name their dog, are thanked on our website, and receive updates on them throughout their amazing journey to becoming a life-saving service dog for someone in need. Each dollar donated has double the impact. Not only are you saving a dog’s life, you are also changing one of our client’s lives forever. Our dogs provide independence, and by helping our dogs you are also providing more realized opportunities for our recipients. It is our wonderful sponsors that give us the opportunity to create these life-saving partnerships. 


Please consider sponsoring a life-saver today.



Jennifer Barnhard

Founder and CEO


Thank you to our current sponsors!

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Rick K.

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